

Requires Go 1.21+

go install

Make sure $GOPATH is set in $PATH to access the odin binary, else add it via:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin


  odin [command]
Search for hosts and services:
        $ odin hosts search --request.query="services.port:443 AND asn.number:AS13335" --X-API-Key=<API-Key>
Search exposed buckets:
        $ odin exposed-buckets search --request.query='provider: aws AND file_cat_count.src: [10 TO *]' --request.sort_by="ins_at"  --request.sort_dir="desc"
Search domain names (and store output to a file):
        $ odin dns search --request.domain="" > cf_domains.txt

Available Commands

  • hosts: Search the list of hosts and their services
  • exposed-buckets: Search across millions of buckets exposed over the internet
  • exposed-files: Search across all the exposed files over the internet
  • dns: Search domains/subdomains and whois details
  • credits: Get the account related remaining and used credits details
  • fields: Get list of searchable fields
  • health: Get the status of the API server
  • init: Initialize the config file and api keys
  • completion: Generate completion script
  • help: Help about any command

CLI Flags

  • --config string: Config file path
  • --dry-run: Do not send the request to server
  • --raw-output: Output raw json response
  • --X-API-Key string: API Key authentication
  • -h, --help: Display help information

Use odin [command] --help for more information about a specific command.

Advanced Usage

Raw Request Body Example

# use pagination.last to fetch next page
$ odin hosts search
# Response with pagination details
$ odin hosts search --query='{
  "query": "*",
  "limit": 10,
  "start": [
# Using body from a file
$ odin hosts search --query="$(cat request.json)"

Additional Resources


Make sure to replace <APIKey> with your actual Odin API key from the dashboard.

Contribution and Support

Thank you for using the Odin SDK for Go. If you encounter any issues, find a bug, or want to contribute:

  • Open an issue
  • Submit a pull request
  • Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated!

For more information about our projects and services, visit Odin’s website.