ODIN’s primary focus is to equip infosec teams with a precise depiction of the internet, enabling them to strengthen their security defences and proactively detect threats within their attack surface.

The Odin SDK for Go provides a simple way to interact with the Odin API and access various services related to cybersecurity, and more.


To use the Odin SDK in your Go project, you need to install it using the go get command:

go get github.com/cybledev/odin-sdk-go@v2


import github.com/cybledev/odin-sdk-go@v2

func ApiKeyAuth() runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter {
    return runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriterFunc(func(r runtime.ClientRequest, \_ strfmt.Registry) error {
        return r.SetHeaderParam("x-api-key", os.Getenv("<APIKey>"))

limit := int64(10)
esr := models.ExposedSearchRequest{
    Limit:   &limit,
    Query:   "provider: aws",
    SortBy:  "files",
    SortDir: "desc",

buckets := []*models.ExposedBucket{}
searchParams := exposed_buckets.NewPostV1ExposedBucketsSearchParamsWithContext(ctx).WithQuery(&esr)
resp, err := client.ExposedBuckets.PostV1ExposedBucketsSearch(searchParams, apiKeyAuth())


You can find various usage examples demonstrating how to interact with the Odin API in the Example file.

Make sure to replace <APIKey> with your actual Odin API key from the odin dashboard.


Thank you for using the Odin SDK for Go. If you encounter any issues, find a bug, or want to contribute, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated!

More Information

For more information about our other projects and services, visit our website at https://odin.io.