All Files Containing Keyword in Name

Search for files with a specific keyword in their filename.


Search Based on File Extension, Size, Category, and Label

4KB PNG Files

Find PNG files exactly 4 kilobytes in size.

ext:"png" AND size:4096

Audio and Video Files

Retrieve all audio and video files.

category:("audio" OR "video")

Financial Information Files

Locate files labeled with financial information.


Search Based on Bucket and Cloud Provider

Files from Backup Bucket

Search for files in a bucket with “backup” in its name.


GCP Logs Files

Find all files from Google Cloud Platform containing “logs” in the full path.

provider:"gcp" AND path:"logs"

AWS Files in Specific Region

Retrieve files from AWS in the ap-south-1 region.

provider:"gcp" AND region:"ap-south-1"

Time-Based Filters

Recent Video Files

Search for video files with “cat” in the name from the last 30 days.

name:cat AND category:video AND scan_at:>now-30d

Files Modified in Specific Time Range

Find files modified between two specific timestamps.

mod_at:["2023-05-09T10:30:23.314102882Z" TO "2023-05-10T10:30:23.314102882Z"]