Queries Cheat Sheet
Exposed Files
Free Search
All Files Containing Keyword in Name
Search for files with a specific keyword in their filename.
Search Based on File Extension, Size, Category, and Label
4KB PNG Files
Find PNG files exactly 4 kilobytes in size.
Audio and Video Files
Retrieve all audio and video files.
Financial Information Files
Locate files labeled with financial information.
Search Based on Bucket and Cloud Provider
Files from Backup Bucket
Search for files in a bucket with “backup” in its name.
GCP Logs Files
Find all files from Google Cloud Platform containing “logs” in the full path.
AWS Files in Specific Region
Retrieve files from AWS in the ap-south-1 region.
Time-Based Filters
Recent Video Files
Search for video files with “cat” in the name from the last 30 days.
Files Modified in Specific Time Range
Find files modified between two specific timestamps.
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